!!!☢ musfirahmohamed  ツ ©!!!

I never built these walls to keep people out. I built them to see who cares enough to take the time to knock them down.♥

Saturday, November 19, 2011

never last memories

will be missing the SCHOOL DAYS OF 2011 . hari last pergi sekolah 18 November 2011 . aku balik awal sebab mama dengan abah dah malas nak tunggu aku kat sekolah tu lamaII . so mama pon pergi la minta surat pelepasan dekat PK HEM . pukul 12 tepat aku keluar dari pagar ASRAMA SMK RAJA PEREMPUAN IPOH and left thousands of memories of year 2011 . itu pon aku sempat lari kejap pergi sekolah lepas angkut barang masuk kereta semata-mata nak wish byeII dekat yang masih tertinggal kat sekolah tu . this week je memang banyak memori tercipta . dah la 2 hari berturut-turut nama masuk dalam buku ponteng *ada sebab munasabah okay . dah la hari selasa cermin mata patah . seriously pergi sekolah without my spec is like **** . like a person that don't know where to go . nampak tu memanglah nampak . tapi kabur yang amat . kawan sendiri pun ta cam memang dah kritikal sangat lah tu . ok fine . bila da habis sekolah bagi sesi 2011 maka tamatlah sudah aku digelar pelajar form 4 . and it will be my SPM year next year . suchacreepyscaryhorrible year next year . tadi dapat resul sekali and the result make me never stop to put a smile on my face . it is the best that i gave . it is the side of my happy story of the day . giliran the sad story pula . pagiII aku ddah tahan air mata aku daripada mengalir . PUANHAJARNABIHAHMOHDSALLEH will be transfered to shah alam . tak pernah terfikir aku akan lost someone like her for the second time in my life in RPS . seriously aku nyarisII nak menangis tadi . berjaya tahan and baget tak de apaII yang berlaku padahal dalam hati dah berlagu . and i hate that feelings .

thanks sebab robohkan tembok ego aku BUDAK

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