!!!☢ musfirahmohamed  ツ ©!!!

I never built these walls to keep people out. I built them to see who cares enough to take the time to knock them down.♥

Sunday, June 3, 2012

assalamualaikum ..
ok fine jangan marah aku sebelum after bace bende nih . aku tau ramai tak suka aku tulih bende nih . but remember EVERY PEOPLE HAS THEIR VERY OWN OPINION . dah . the problem is . bende yang sentiasa ada dalam kepala hotak aku nih "kenapa org minat korea" . even org yang baru first time tgok pon boleh terus minat . jgn marah lagi . remember my word "EVERY PEOPLE HAS THEIR VERY OWN OPINION " . benda yang menjadi persoalan dari dulu sampai sekarang . dah macam2 kawan2 aku buat supaya aku pon boleh tesangkot jugak . tapi pada hakikatnya tak langsong . just like watching tv show that makes me boring . ok fine EVERY PEOPLE HAS THEIR VERY OWN OPINION . maybe aku akn find the answer very soon . isyallah....

menyesal dengan keputusan yang aku ambik last year

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