!!!☢ musfirahmohamed  ツ ©!!!

I never built these walls to keep people out. I built them to see who cares enough to take the time to knock them down.♥

Saturday, June 9, 2012


:D . baru lepas merapu-ing . thats mean baru pas buat essay . wheeeha... tadi igt na buat physic pulak . tapi tetibe ta jumpa buku . dah cari buku kol 1 pagi . kat tmpat gelap pulak tuh *malas bukak lampu . ap yg nak dijumpanye . haha . esok la buat . and for officially i've done my project work . whahahahaha . the last editing chance . lepas nih abaikan kesalahan yang termaterai dan terima keputusan yang termaktub tuh . hihahiha . err . tapi masalahnya effect result SPM kot *akaun je la . just wait and see the result je la ...

maybe malam yang bosan cmnie sesuai untuk buat homework

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