!!!☢ musfirahmohamed  ツ ©!!!

I never built these walls to keep people out. I built them to see who cares enough to take the time to knock them down.♥

Sunday, April 8, 2012


semenjak dua menjak nih da rasa malas na update pape . yg pasti dalam kepala hotak melekat 1 statement je . it is "SPM 2012" . sriously aku ta pena fikir pasal exam sampai macam tuh . mmg la SPM penentu hidup . tp sampai bangun tido pon terbayang buku . tu dah kritikal weyh . cikgu SR aku ckp aku nampak rilex je . tu luaran belom tgok dalaman . macam2 ada . cacamarba hidup aku wyh . and now . i'm trying something new . haha . takkan na stick in a status quo je kan. hidup haruslah diteruskan...

after spm maybe the mood will full fill my life
