!!!☢ musfirahmohamed  ツ ©!!!

I never built these walls to keep people out. I built them to see who cares enough to take the time to knock them down.♥

Saturday, April 30, 2011

♥exam month♥

slalu nye org ckp exam week 
tp aku nk ckp sal exam month
x caye ...jap!jap!
ni jadual exam f4 yg asal
(cilok from lmn web skola)

nie lak jadual yg aku da edit....
subjek yg aku amek je
'budak sains ikhtisas (fizik)'

skang da caye kn...
smpai cuti tengah taon kang aku exam
acctully nye rest for a week coz ade MSSM
skola terlibat
so jdi la exam 3 weeks je
MSSM 1 week...
bahagie gile...
cm amek exam SPm betol2
so pale aku da pening da nie....
semenanye mmg pening sejak azali da pon...
tmbah ag first paper yg aku nk amek next week is 
lagi la aku gile
essay lak tuh....ush...da msok bape kali da aku bace note sej..
tp x msok jugak
pale aku jenis x ley trime facts ya fixed
nape la sej nie x de kene ngene ngn nombo..
kan bahagie idop aku kalo cm tu....
da la kpale aku suke saket sebelah je
belah kanan....maybe pale aku berat sbelah
the paper will kill me in the morning of the exam day
pembukaan exam dgn my killer sub
penutupan exam dgn my fav sub

Friday, April 29, 2011

♥persoalan yg x terjawab♥

ramai org ckp aku mcm budak2
tp aku x rase ye pon
ramai org kate suare aku pelik...
"eira awok - suare cm chin chan"
"suare ko cm suneo la"
"nape suare ko cm cartoon"
*ad manyak ag tp aku da lupe....
smakin ary aku ase smakin sensetif
try to imagine....
i cry because of one "little tiny mini" incident
belon yg dalila bagi mase pergi pameran saham pecah
acctlly nani yg bg pecah
juz coz of tht balloon!!!!
mmg lawak abes la kan...
aku pon x tau cmne boley nanges...
automatic air mate kluar ngn drastik...
like there are sumthing in that balloon
sensetivity aku semakin brtambah...
cmne nk kurngknnye...hurm.....

Friday, April 15, 2011


for the first time aku nyesal after abes tournement
juz tertinggal satu step sekelip mate je kalah....
da la menag 4 game je....
.sedey tol/..
x pe larh....da lepas biakn lepas...
next year kalo ade rezeki ley maen ag.....

Sunday, April 3, 2011


ni la last day tork cuti kali nie...... malasnye nk balek.....rase cm x caye je yg kene balek sok *tp kalo ikot tarikh...ARY NIE.... . lagi la aku ase malas.......huaaaaa....but dont worry..be happy....coz balek sok aku ade agenda laen nk buat.... *omwork x tebuat pon.... ..... mmg da tebiat kot aku nie agaknye....bia la aku tebiat pon....sape je pon yg pena kesah sal aku kt oztel tuh...hush......tetibe mlm nie buat ayat pasrah plak...mmg tebiat kowt...haha....lantak la..... ...ok fine aku x tau ap function gmba nie...aku amek sbb ia nmpk comey..haha...entah la..sejak due mnjak nie aku tetibe teminat kt STICK FIGURE.... ...its very cute...hehehe.....kegilaan aku terbongkar apabile terjumpe objek yg boley membongkatnye..hahaha...mmg gile..aku x tau nape ngn aku nie.... .....da la stop right there 4 the stick man...haha...

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Friday, April 1, 2011


first thing....wanna say     ........then nk cakap yg i luv yellow
.......tp ase nk...sbb td kene buli kt skola....cm2 perasaan ade...mara...saket aty... ......sbb diorng x puas aty ngn aku.....hush.....mmg boring giler la kn..... .......ase nk tdo...tp x nk coz da 2 minggu x sentoh kom.....hehehe....sentoh pon maen game lam koop ary tuh..haha..........tak tawu nk tulis ape.....huh...lupe pulak.........power spec aku da naek kowt....from 200 to 350.....banyak siot...hush...hahaha....lawak la pulok...hurm....sat g la sambong balek...
